If you were a plus size woman, i believe you have already known that there are some men like to date with chubby women. As a result, you think you may have more chances and wish to find your real love on a BBW hookup dating. But when you try to chat with men on a BBW dating site, you may find that only few people or even nobody will respond to you on the site. Is it the reason of your big shape? Not really i think. Actually, there are some other reasons according to this point. Now, i am going to list them to you.
The first reason is about the man himself. If the man have chated with you for few weeks and then suddenly kept silent. It is mainly due to his own confusion and hesitation, because he was not very sure about whether you are his real love or not. So, he needed more time to think it over, and just refused to respond to you. Secondly, the message you send to him is not attractive enough if there were many other women sent their messages to the man together, the result is that your message will be ignored easily. And at that time, what you have to do is trying your best to design a very special and different message to draw his attention, it may help you to be noticed by him easily. Thirdly, do not always talk some normal things, for example, you like shopping and eating dessert this kind of topics. On the contrary, you'd better talk about your interests, your achievements or your future plans. These topics will be more attractive for men i think. Fourthly, pay attention to your profile photo, and do not use the picture within so many people together as your profile photo, because the man can not recognize which one is you and you will be ignored easily as well. So, it is not a surprising thing that he will not respond to you. Last but not least, if you not type the words wisely, the man still will not respond to you. Because besides your big body shape, the wisdom of you also very important.
As a matter of fact, draw one's attention on a BBW dating site is not an easy thing. So, you should try you best and use all kinds of means to achieve your goal. If you pay more attention to what i have mentioned, you may will succeed sooner.